Clinic Leadership

Locally Based & DEDICATED to the Upper Peninsula

Don Simila

Don Simila
Chief Executive Officer

Trevor Hodges

Trevor Hodges
Associate Director / Chief Financial Officer

Bailey Patrick

Bailey Patrick
Chief Operating Officer

catherine kroll

Catherine Kroll
Chief Medical Officer

Clinic Leadership

Upper Great Lakes Family Health Center is led by a dedicated group of local health care professionals. Our leadership team works hard to attract and retain excellent medical and support staff, maintain quality facilities and operating systems, and remain financially stable. 

Board of Directors

The Upper Great Lakes Family Health Board of Directors is made up of health center patients, community members, and area professionals. The Board oversees policy, budget, quality improvement, future planning, and major resource decisions affecting UGL.

Executive Members

Donald Simila, CEO

Steve Vairo, Chair

Julie Shaw, Vice Chair

Dianna Christenson, Secretary

Mark Rouleau, Treasurer


Dr. Kevin Piggott

Christopher Adams

Micah Stipech

Tanya Johnson

Amanda Knaffla

John Jokela

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