Preventing Illness

Important Wellness Guide Checklists for All Ages!

Annual visits, a healthy lifestyle, and the right screenings can help prevent or detect life-threatening chronic diseases. Upper Great Lakes Family Health encourages everyone to have an annual preventive care visit to stay healthy.

Click on Any Age to See Wellness Guide Checklists

Younger Kids Wellness Visits

For kids ages 0 to 10. Each wellness visit includes:

  • Complete physical exam
  • Nutritional evaluation
  • Recording height, weight, and other important information
  • Hearing, vision and blood tests may be part of the visit
  • Age-appropriate screenings for safety, tobacco use, and coping skills
  • Blood tests to screen for lead levels (at 12 months and 2 years of age)

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a well-child visit at:

1 month 

2 months

4 months

6 months

9 months  

12 months

15 months

18 months

Annually beginning at 2 years

Immunization Schedule* **

  • 6 mo. – 10 yrs: Flu – one shot annually between October and March
  • 2 months: Dtap, Hep B, HiB, PCV 13, IPV, Rotavirus
  • 4 months: Dtap, PCV 13, HiB, Rotavirus, IPV,   Hep B (if not given at birth)
  • 6 months: Dtap, Hep B, HiB, PCV 13, IPV
  • 9 months: Hep B (if needed) 12 months PCV 13, Hep A, MMR
  • 15 months: Dtap, Varicella, HiB
  • 18 months: Hep A
  • 4-5 years: Dtap, MMR, IPV, Varicella

*    Many vaccines are available as combination shots — ask your provider

** Please contact your Upper Great Lakes Team about COVID or other infectious diseases. 


Recommended annually for kids ages 11 to 17. Each wellness visit includes:

  • Complete physical exam
  • Nutritional evaluation
  • Recording height, weight, and other important information
  • Vision screenings and blood tests may be part of the visit
  • Age-appropriate screenings for safety, tobacco use, and coping skills
  • Advice for getting or staying healthy
  • Counseling on pregnancy prevention and/or screening for sexually-transmitted infections available

Immunization Schedule

  • Annually: Flu – one shot between October and March

  • By age 13: Tdap or Td and MCV

  • Starting at age 11 or 12: HPV – three doses by age 26


Recommended annually for adults ages 18 to 49.  Each wellness visit includes:

  • Complete physical exam
  • Recording height, weight, and blood pressure
  • Health history and medication review
  • Discussion of recommended screenings
  • Advice for getting or staying healthy

Recommended Screenings for Women

  • Annually: Chlamydia screening if sexually active at age 24 or younger, or at 25+ if high risk

  • Every 3 years: Pap test – starting at age 21 (or every 5 years if combined with HPV testing starting at age 30)

  • Based on risk: Mammogram (with or without clinical breast exam) – ask provider

  • Based on risk: Colorectal cancer screening – ask provider

Recommended Screenings for Men

  • Based on risk: Colorectal cancer screening – ask provider

Immunization Schedule

  • Annually: Flu – one shot between October and March

  • Based on risk: Pneumococcal – ask provider

  • By age 26: HPV – complete final dose(s)

  • Every 10 years: Td

  • If not previously administered: Tdap


Recommended annually for adults ages 50+.  Each wellness visit includes:

  • Complete physical exam
  • Recording height, weight, and blood pressure
  • Health history and medication review
  • Discussion of recommended screenings
  • Advice for getting or staying healthy

Recommended Screenings for Women

  • Every 3 years: Pap test, or every 5 years if combined with HPV testing  (age 65+ ask provider)

  • Every 2 years: Mammogram with or without clinical breast exam (age 75+ ask provider)

  • Based on risk: Osteoporosis screening (age 65+ recommended – ask provider about frequency, ages 50-64 – ask provider)

  • Based on risk: Colorectal cancer screening – ask provider

Recommended Screenings for Men

  • Based on risk: Colorectal cancer screening – ask provider

Immunization Schedule

  • Annually: Flu – one shot between October and March

  • Based on risk: Pneumococcal – ask provider

  • By age 26: HPV – complete final dose(s)

  • Every 10 years: Td

  • If not previously administered: Tdap


Recommended annually. Wellness visits include:

  • One “Welcome to Medicare” visit during first 12 months of receiving Medicare Part B
  • Height, weight and blood pressure check
  • Review of personal and family health history
  • Review of medications, vitamins and supplements
  • Health risk assessment
  • Testing for depression and mental health issues
  • Plan for screening tests and shots you should receive in the next 5-10 years

* Medicare Part B Wellness Visits do NOT include:

  • Physical exam
  • Illness diagnosis
  • Diagnostic tests and bloodwork
  • Treatment for conditions you may have

Things to know in advance:

  • Bring your Medicare Part B card and a list of medications, supplements and medical equipment you use.
  • If you go to a provider who accepts Medicare Part B, your visits are free with no co-pay, deductible or coinsurance.
  • The visit might not take place in an exam room since it is about general wellness.
  • You may schedule your Medicare Part B Wellness visit and a visit for a health problem on the same day, but they will count as two separate services.
  • You may be charged separately for any exams, treatments or tests not include in the Medicare Part B Wellness visit.
  • It’s a good idea to have your Medicare Part B Wellness visit with your regular primary care provider since they know you best — ask if they accept Medicare Part B.